As you may be aware, The Utah Department of Health issued a public health order update clarifying the standards for face coverings in schools.
The order states that every individual inside of a school building or on a school bus must wear a face mask which covers the nose and mouth without openings that can be seen through. Face masks must fit securely under the chin and snugly against the sides of the nose and the face, even when an individual is able to physically distance.
The order also clarified that face shields may only be worn without a face mask when the ability to see the mouth is essential for communication, including for an individual who is deaf or hard of hearing or while participating in speech therapy.
An individual with a medical condition, mental health condition, or other disability that prevents wearing a face mask may be exempted from wearing a mask by submitting the form found at the link below.
We wish you the very best as the school year begins next week.