Goal #1: Increase student proficiency in mathematics on the 2024 MATH RISE assessment by 3% through the integration of additional mathematic supports through the implementation of a school music program.
Academic Area:
● Mathematics
3rd through 6th-grade student proficiency on the 2022 MATH RISE assessment was 36%. We are working to increase the number of 3rd through 6th-grade students proficient on the 2024 MATH RISE assessment by 3%. Our school music program will integrate foundational mathematical concepts such as counting, patterns, fractions, etc. as well as integrate grade-level core standards into music lessons to provide students with additional opportunities and modes to experience and practice real-world math concepts.
Action Steps:
1. Pay a portion of our Beverly Taylor Sorenson Music Teacher ($43,164)
Goal #2: Increase student proficiency on the ELA RISE 2024 assessment by at least 3%. Increase student growth in Acadience Reading Assessments by at least 3% or more growth from the BOY to the EOY in the 2023-2024 school year.
Academic Area:
● Language Arts
Student proficiency on the 2022 RISE assessment was 36.9%. We are working to increase the number of students proficient on the RISE assessment by 3%. Growth will be measured on Acadience with an increase of at least 3% more on or above level students from the BOY to EOY assessments.
Action Steps:
1. Maintain literacy assistants to work directly with students either as an interventionist, additional grade-level practice, or extended instruction opportunities. ($40,525)
Category | Description | Estimated Cost |
Salaries and Benefits | Step #1 of both Goals | $83,689 |
2023-24 School Plans
LAND Trust School Plan
2023-24 Allocation
2022-23 School Plans
LAND Trust School Plan
2022-23 Allocation
2021-22 School Plans
LAND Trust School Plan
2021-22 Allocation
2020-21 School Plans
2020-21 Allocation
2019-20 School Plans
N/A - Antelope Canyon Elementary began operations August 2020